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기대별로안했는데정말재밌고신선하네요!탐정대박나세요♡♡ | positive | https://data.niaid.nih.gov/resources?id=mendeley_jb5knzh8yv | movie reviews | ko |
很好的一个柠檬杯 没有想到网上购物比现实中还好呢 一样有质量保证 | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | zh |
Best one
Very reliable, I had no problems whatsoever! I love this product its 100% amazing quality! Very Happy! | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | en |
برنامج ععععععععجججججججيي | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/fahdseddik/arabic-company-reviews | company reviews | ar |
Super Piercing, gerne wieder.
Ich war super zufrieden. Die Steine glitzern schön. Ich habe das Piercing nicht gekürzt, kann daher nichts zur Kürzung sagen. Würde ihn immer wieder kaufen. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | de |
Sûrement le film le plus abouti de Miyazaki avec "Mon voisin Totoro". La magie de Miyazaki reste la même : ses univers sont encore une fois troubles et envoûtants à la fois. On ne peut d'ailleurs s'empêcher de voir ce "voyage de Chihiro" comme un remake du périple d'Alice dans son pays des merveilles, ce qui lui donne un charme sans commune mesure. Bref, encore un chef d'uvre de l'ami Miyazaki qui n'aura pas fini de nous surprendre et surtout de nous faire rêver. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tblard/allocine | movie reviews | fr |
Daniel just came to our house and was very kind and courteous. He was running at little late and was very apologetic. I discussed the situation and he listened to me with interruption or making any assumptions. He trouble shot the unit and discussed pricing as we went along. I will definitely be recommending them again and be using them in the future. He was super fast too! In the end he discussed the billing and didn't even use freon after cleaning the coils and rechecking the system. As a contractor in another trade I appreciated every aspect of the service call. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/Yelp/yelp_review_full | places reviews | en |
気に入ってます 特に不満もありません 今度はもう少し容量の大きいものを購入します | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tyqiangz/multilingual-sentiments | tweets | ja |
Gotta start somewhere
Gets the job done. Relieves discomfort. Builds nutrients needed for optimum health. Try other products as well. Not the best. Not the worst. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | en |
Fue agradable wii remote
Fue agradable Wii Remote funciona bien hasta que intento jugar. Con diferentes juegos. Y me di cuenta de que no funcionaba para todos los juegos porque no era un control remoto wii original. Es como cuando compras los dulces de rock que no funcionan para cada juego ... en general, doy 5 estrellas. Aunque pensé que tenía que devolvérmelo. Amazon como de costumbre buen servicio al cliente. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | es |
祝朝鲜人民在社会主义建设事业中取得更大成绩! | positive | https://zenodo.org/records/10488077 | 22 domains | zh |
Приятное место для дружеского "чирикания". А если проголодались, то к вашим услугам одна из лучших паст в Питере (имхо). Очень популярен среди детей суп "Детский" с куриными фрикадельками (ха, кто бы мог подумать). Моя капризулька с удовольствием посещает заведение. Очень дружелюбный персонал. Спасибо за приют. | positive | https://github.com/yandex/geo-reviews-dataset-2023 | organization reviews | ru |
remplacement produit
premier colis perdu par la poste.aussitot remplacer par le vendeur.produit d'exelente qualite tres satisfait. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | fr |
... taken it out a few times but am surprisingly happy with it so far
Have only taken it out a few times but am surprisingly happy with it so far, very sturdy and the reel is very smooth. I didn't use the line that came with it though as I have my own preference. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | en |
難しくてリスクが高いと思われている仮想通貨投資を丁寧に分かりやすく書いてあります。 投資の基本である長期積立投資を推薦していることから著者の方の金融リテラシーの高さがうかがえる。 さすが元銀行員という印象でした。 | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tyqiangz/multilingual-sentiments | tweets | ja |
동정심과 모성애로 끌어올린 마성의 레즈영화 정점. | positive | https://data.niaid.nih.gov/resources?id=mendeley_jb5knzh8yv | movie reviews | ko |
win10 で使っています。簡単で取り付けるだけで動作しました。USBテレビチューナーもうまく動作しています。暫く使ってみていたら、どうも win10 を再起動したら無線lan が切れる事に気づきました。いまはこの拡張カードは、USB無線lanと 2.5 インチハードディスクに使っています。そこで、2.5 インチハードディスクを外したら再起動後もうまく動作するようになりました。電圧が不足しているのではないかと?思ったりしています。SATA 電源が必要なボードの方が良かったかもしれないと感じています。 追記1:電源管理を「高パフォーマンス」に設定すれば直ったようです。 追記2:追記1では今度はスリープから無線lan が復帰しないようです。 追記3:原因が分かりました。USB に2つの無線lan を繋いで、一つは ubuntu linux 用に使かっていました。win10 を使う時はこのデバイスを無効にするにしていましたが、再起動すると ubuntu linux 用の無線lan が無効ですが、これに繋がってしまっていたようです。ですから繋がらなかったようです。ようやっと解決し快適にこのボードが使えるようになりました。 追記4:解決されていないようで、USB無線lan の方の問題かもと思ったりしています。 追記5:USB 3.0 の2.5 インチハードディスクが高周波ノイズの為、2.4Ghz 無線lan に悪影響を与えていた模様で、再起動から無線lan が切れるようになっていたのではないでしょうか。今は2つの機器を20cm ほど離して設置していますが、何も問題は出なくなり快適になりました。このボードは電圧不足とかは問題はないと思います。 | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tyqiangz/multilingual-sentiments | tweets | ja |
Coonskin might be my favorite Ralph Bakshi film. Like the best of his work, it's in-your-face and not ashamed of it for a second, but unlike some of his other work (even when he's at his finest, which was before and after Coonskin with Heavy Traffic and Wizards), it's not much uneven, despite appearances to the contrary. Bakshi's taking on stereotypes and perceptions of race, of course, but moreover he's making what appears to be a freewheeling exploitation film; blaxploitation almost, though Bakshi doesn't stop just there. If it were just a blaxploitation flick with inventive animation it could be enough for a substantial feature. But Bakshi's aims are higher: throwing up these grotesque and exaggerated images of not just black people but Italians/mafioso, homosexuals, Jews, overall New York-types in the urban quarters of Manhattan in the 70s, he isn't out to make anything realistic. The most normal looking creation in looking drawn "real" is, in fact, a naked woman painted red, white and blue.In mocking these stereotypes and conventions and horrible forms of racism (i.e. the "tar-rabbit, baby" joke, yes joke, plus black-face), we're looking at abstraction to a grand degree. And best of all, Bakshi doesn't take himself too seriously, unlike Spike Lee with a film like Bamboozled, in delivering his message. This is why, for the most part, Coonskin is a hilarious piece of work, where some of the images and things done and sudden twists and, of course, scenes of awkward behavior (I loved the scene where the three animated characters are being talked at by the real-life white couple in tux and dress as looking "colorful" and the like), are just too much not to laugh at. It's not just the imagery, which is in and of itself incredibly "over"-stylized, but that the screenplay is sharp and, this is key for Bakshi this time considering, it's got a fairly cohesive narrative to string along the improvisations and madness.Using at first live-action, then animation, and then an extremely clever matching of the two (ironically, what Bakshi later went for in commercial form with Cool World is done here to a T with less money and a rougher edge), Pappy and Randy are waiting outside a prison wall for a buddy to escape, and Pappy tells of the story of Brother Rabbit, who with Brother Bear and Preacher Fox go to Harlem and become big-time hoodlums, with Rabbit in direct opposition to a Jabba-the-Hut-esquire Godfather character. This is obviously a take off on Song of the South with its intentionally happy-go-lucky plot and animation, here taken apart and shown for how rotten and offensive it really is.Yet Bakshi goes for broke in combining forms; animated characters stand behind and move along with live-action backgrounds; when violence and gunshots and fights occurs it's as bloody as it can get for 1975; when a dirty cop is at a bar and is drugged and put in black-face and a dress, he trips in a manner of which not even Disney could reach with Dumbo; a boxing match with Brother Bear and an opponent as the climax is filmed in wild slow-motion; archive footage comes on from time to time of old movies, some and some from the 20s that are just tasteless.Like Mel Brooks or Kubrick or, more recently, South Park, Bakshi's Coonskin functions as entertainment first and then thought-provocation second. It's also audacious film-making on an independent scale; everything from the long takes to the montage and the endlessly warped designs for the characters (however all based on the theme of the piece) all serve the thought in the script, where its B-movie plot opens up much more for interpretation. To call it racist misses the point; it's like calling Dr. Strangelove pro-atomic desolation or Confederate States of America pro slavery. And, for me, it's one of the best satires ever made. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/scikit-learn/imdb | movie reviews | en |
urun guzel beklentimi karsiladi. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fthbrmnby/turkish_product_reviews | products reviews | tr |
فندق متكامل الخدمات . موقع الفندق وسرعة الخدمة وتصميم الفندق ونظافته وتعاون موظفي الفندق.. لايوجد | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/abedkhooli/arabic-100k-reviews | reviews (hotels, books, movies, products and a few airlines) | ar |
These stocks are already good buys right now. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/RobertoMCA97/financial_sentiment_analysis_train_compilation_v2 | finance | en |
Son muy pequeños,en la foto parecen más grandes, sólo sirven para los cuellos de las camisas, pero son tan pequeños que no sirven ni para ropita de bebé | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | es |
7年前くらいの同じSHARPのサイクロンからの買い替えです。良い点①ダストカップの掃除が簡単、水洗いも可能②紙フィルターが無いので掃除及び買い替えが不要③性能の向上も実感しています。自走ヘッドや紙フィルターの買い替えを考えていましたが、結構高額になりますので購入価格から考えて今回の買い替えはメリットが有ったと考えています。良い買い物をいたしました。満足、満足。 | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tyqiangz/multilingual-sentiments | tweets | ja |
i feel like this happy little front i have put up is slowly falling apart | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/dair-ai/emotion | emotion | en |
Здравствуйте! Хочу выразить огромную благодарность и сказать большое спасибо работнику отдела мониторинга Михаилу за оперативную и высококвалифицированную работу по предотвращению мошеннических действий в отношении операции, связанной с проведением платежа по дебетовой карте банка ЗЕНИТ. Инцидент произошёл 19.01.2023 когда я пыталась оплатить полис ОСАГО, как оказалось, у мошенников. Михаил буквально в режиме онлайн мне перезвонил, и заблокировал карту, тем самым сохранил денежные средства, чему я была очень рада, и подтвердил мои опасения. Будьте бдительны, а работники банка ЗЕНИТ всегда придут на помощь в случае необходимости и решат возникшие проблемы, я в этом убедилась лично. И да, надеюсь заслуженная награда найдёт своего героя в денежном эквиваленте. Спасибо Михаилу и Банку ЗЕНИТ! | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/romanberdyshev/bank-reviews-dataset | banking reviews | ru |
小さいけれど、容量は大きくて満足しています。 見た目のかわいらしさもよいです。 | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | ja |
Website navigated perfect to exact part need by exact model number ensuring that the correct part is ordered without confusion. | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/sentiment-analysis-company-reviews/data?select=train.csv | company reviews | en |
야끼 돈부리 사진을 보고 여긴 굳이 가야겠다 싶어서 먼저 저녁때 혼자 가봤다. 점심 특선이 따로 있고 저녁엔 가격대가 좀 올라간다. 점심 저녁 둘 다 가봤는데 오픈 정각에 가도 거의 꽉 차거나 웨이팅이 있었다. 사는 동네랑 정말 동떨어진 곳이라 맛 집이라 해도 이 정도일 줄은 몰랐다. 혼자 갔을 땐 바 자리에 앉아서 야끼 돈부리만 주문했다. 사진에 비해 실물이 너무 앙증맞아서 좀 후회가 올라오고 있었는데 한 입 떠먹고 나니 그런 거 없었다. 밥공기 그것도 일본의 작은 사이즈에, 그 위에 살짝 구운 연어, 광어, 가리비가 올라간다. 다른 곳에서 먹은 안 부리 연어 덮밥은 비주얼에 비해 하나같이 맛이 실망스러워서 구운 회에 대한 기대 자체가 없었는데, 이 집은 다르다. 묘하게 따뜻하고 구운 냄새가 나는 회가 어색하게 느껴지지 않고 광어나 가리비의 쫄깃쫄깃함도 유지되었다. 맛도 전혀 짜거나 느끼하지도 않다. 밥도 고슬고슬하다. 위에 노른자가 올라가는데 그릇 자체가 작아서 먹기엔 좀 힘들다.비주얼 면에서는 필요하지만... 덮밥 양이 적어서 걱정했는데 뒤늦게 가락국수가 나왔다. 근데 가락국수가 진짜... 횟집인데 면이 엄청 쫄깃쫄깃하고 맛있다. 가락국수도 따로 메뉴가 있으면 먹고 싶다. 맛 집에서 혼밥하면 보통 나중에 혼자 또 와야지 싶은데 여긴 계속 가족과 같이 오고 싶다는 생각이 들었다. 근데 집이랑 워낙 멀어서 일단 함께 가줄 것 같은 가족만 점심에 데리고 가봤다. 맛없으면 큰일 날 뻔했는데 역시 이 집은 실패가 없다. 이번엔 야끼 돈부리, 연어 광어 덮밥, 그리고 초밥도 8pcs 짜리로 주문했다. 저번에 왔을 때 바 자리에 앉아서 초밥용으로 미리 준비된 횟감을 바라만 보자니 초밥이 궁금했는데 덮밥 수준의 감동은 아니었지만 맛있는 초밥이었다. 연어 광어 덮밥은 연어랑 광어가 약간 간장에 절여서 나오는데 짜지는 않고 적당하다. 광어가 특히 쫄깃쫄깃하다. 원래도 고추냉이가 넉넉하게 나오는 편인 것 같은데 메뉴를 세 개나 주문했더니 먹다가 코가 시릴 정도여서 좋았다.회는 원래 좋아해서 질이 좋고 나쁘고를 가리지 않고 먹는데 맛있는 건 이렇게 맛있다는 걸 비로소 이 집이 알려주는 것 같다. 연이 없는 동네라 자주 올 수 있을 것 같지는 않지만 마음 한편에 항상 가지고 있을 것 같다. 이 동네 사람들은 좋겠다 이이 요가 있어서... | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ninetyninenewton/kr3-korean-restaurant-reviews-with-ratings | restaurant reviews | ko |
This place is well worth the cost of admission ($18.00 for adults and $12.00 kids under 17 years)! If you have time to spare (maybe 3-4 hours), you will learn alot about mob history, everything from it's origins, law enforcement tactics, it's effects on Las Vegas, the key players, and so much more. We were absolutely fascinated with the level of detail regarding all facets of the mob. The museum is well put together, which keeps you engaged. There are films, interactive activities, and great artifacts that make visiting an interesting experience. This is a must see for all who are mafia movie buffs and interested in mob history.\n\nThere is so much to read, we actually stayed for a few hours, left and came back (admission is good for the entire day). | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/Yelp/yelp_review_full | places reviews | en |
I like the newly added recommendations being played through your history list songs after they've ended. It's a nice touch and a good way to find new music. Please don't kill this feature, it'll be very disappointing, I honestly don't mind not having the history list play by song. | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/mfaaris/spotify-app-reviews-2022 | app reviews | en |
かけていてもずれることがほとんどないのでストレスもなく、かけ心地の良いメガネです。 何より長時間かけても疲れにくそうなので、毎日長い時間パソコンを使用する私にはピッタリのメガネです。 専用ケースとメガネ拭きもセットになっていました。 この価格でこのクオリティで、さらには付属品まであり、というのはとてもお買い得だと思います!! | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | ja |
外形美观,速度快,操作容易,买给老爸用的,不错。 | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/leadingbridge/sentiment-analysis | books reviews | zh |
①購入理由:もう何年も他店にて購入していましたが同じものを見つけたので試しに購入しました。 ②決め手:最近アマゾンさんで買い物をするようになり、以前から他店で購入していたものが購入できてうれしいです。 ③総評:このルイボスティは味もコスパも申し分なく我が家にはなくてはならないものとなりました。 | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | ja |
Práctico y ligero
Es muy práctico, manejable y ligero.Estoy muy contento con la compra. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | es |
Très bien
Remplace parfaitement les cache brûleurs de mon barbecue carrefour. Ils sont assez lourds et épais, ce qui laisse penser qu’il dureront un moment | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | fr |
Спасибо,качество хорошее,красивая!На размер S взяла M и мне маловато, но зависит от объема груди может;буду заказывать еще другого цвета) | positive | https://github.com/sismetanin/rureviews/blob/master/women-clothing-accessories.3-class.balanced.csv | products reviews | ru |
以前使っていた車載ホルダーは運転中に何度も落ちてくることがあったが今回の車載ホルダーは安定性抜群で落ちてきたことはありません。購入して良かったです! | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tyqiangz/multilingual-sentiments | tweets | ja |
贴上了,不错,不知道用时间长了如何。现在很满意,尤其满意自己贴膜的手法。 | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tyqiangz/multilingual-sentiments | tweets | zh |
Đóng gói sản phẩm rất đẹp và chắc chắn, mùi này thơm ngất ngây, hơi nồng hợp dùng thu đông, độ lưu hương khá dai, thích mê, 🌹. | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/linhlpv/vietnamese-sentiment-analyst | products reviews | vi |
Funciona como el original y con mas cable que el que trae la propia nintendo. Perfecto, lo recomiendo. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | es |
Good food and good ambiance with reasonable price. even though at Elite Level 8 but will definitely dropby when go pavilion. | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/choonkhonng/malaysia-restaurant-review-datasets | restaurant reviews | en |
4 1/2 starsShort and sweet interlude between Nalla's birth and Zsadist coming to terms with fatherhood in light of his traumatic past.FM doesn't advance the BDB storylines; but it is a very nicely done character driven exploration of the relationship between Bella and Zsadist. It's not necessary to the series, but it is a little treat for fans of Zsadist and Bella. | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/code/meetnagadia/amazon-kindle-book-sentiment-analysis/input | books reviews | en |
Bon produit
Belle couleur , coque légère ,je recommande | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | fr |
Очень хорошая юбка, плотный материал, тянется, на ОБ 96 и ОТ 70- размер L идеально подошел. Талия завышенная и заужена, поэтому юбка красиво и удобно садилтся. Доставка до СПб 20 дней, трек полностью отслеживался. Рекомендую! | positive | https://github.com/sismetanin/rureviews/blob/master/women-clothing-accessories.3-class.balanced.csv | products reviews | ru |
此物很好用,又不占地方,一个接口连车载导航,一个给手机充电。也可以两个手机同时充电,充电时间还比较快。 | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tyqiangz/multilingual-sentiments | tweets | zh |
想像より良かったです! デザインも画像の通りカッコよかったです。 中身を入れても軽かったですし、今まで使っていた水筒より洗ったあと乾くのも早い気がしました。 耐久性についてはまだ使い始めたばかりなのでよくわかりませんが、カバーを外した時に万が一落としたりぶつけると凹みそうな感じに見えました。 ただカバーがしっかりしているのでよっぽどぶつけない限り大丈夫だと思います。 買ってよかったです! | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | ja |
E-M5用に購入。柔らかい素材で長時間ぶら下げても手首がこすれて痛くなったりしません。 着脱可能なので三脚使用時とかは外してストラップを手首にかけっぱなしにしてれば撮影時に邪魔にならずにすみます。 小さいミラーレスでちょっとスナップに出かけるような感じにちょうどよい手軽なストラップです。 | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | ja |
Good value product as described, delivered on time. Absolutely no complaints. | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/sentiment-analysis-company-reviews/data?select=train.csv | company reviews | en |
买了快一年啦~没什么大问题~屏幕很好~折叠什么的很酷炫 触屏也很美好~大屏看着舒服,处理器之类的工作基本够用 | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | zh |
This show has come so far. At first EVERYONE in the cast from Eric to Fez, they were all new actors and actresses, fresh faces, and just look what they accomplished. They stuck with the show and it was a success. Its one of the best shows ever made and its probably the funniest sitcom I've ever seen in my life. It will be sad to see it end but if they end this show, I hope to God that the series finale goes out with one of the biggest bangs that any season finale has ever had. I don't care if the whole season sucks because they save all the fuel for the final episode. Go down swinging, get one last punch in. The show deserves it, the fans deserve it, if they go, let everyone know its going to end, like on Friends, and let the finale be huge. I say get Donna and Eric married, I say have Hyde and Kelso fight and become friends again, I say have something interesting happen between Fez and Jackie because Fez has been trying for so long, but of course it wont work out for him. JUST CLOSE OUT THE SERIES BIG TIME GUYS!That 70s Show will always be the best in my eyes. Eric, Kelso, Donna, Jackie, Fez, Hyde, I wish I had you guys as friends. You are the best!10/10... | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/scikit-learn/imdb | movie reviews | en |
真的被震撼到了,太厉害了 | positive | https://zenodo.org/records/10488077 | 22 domains | zh |
Caja de seguridad
La caja se nota que es fuerte y resistente, difícil de forzar. Muy fácil cambiar la contraseña.El espacio es muy grande, puedes poner 7 llaves y también puedes poner las llaves del coche y te sobra espacio para la cartera. tiene anclaje a la pared el cual ya incluye todo para solo ponerlo así no tienes que comprar nada mas. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | es |
1959년 영화가 지금도 회자되고있다. 그 말이 의미하는 것이 무엇일지는 말하지 않아도 충분히 알 것이다. | positive | https://data.niaid.nih.gov/resources?id=mendeley_jb5knzh8yv | movie reviews | ko |
If you’re looking for a new fun yard game this set is for you
If you’re looking for a new fun yard game this set is for you!!! We spend lots of weekends outside grilling with friends and we play the same outdoor games. I was so excited when this arrived in the mail we brought it to our friends that night! The dice are amazing quality, I was not expecting them to be that nice. It come with all the pieces you need even the dry erase marker!! There is a piece on the lid you have to pull to open for the first time which was kind of hard. It took two of us 5 minutes trying to figure it out! The bucket is great for holding everything together however it’s a bit big for the size of dice. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | en |
i am feeling naughty i pair it up with brown sugar and half amp half omgoodness to die for | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/dair-ai/emotion | emotion | en |
Flight 801 from Manila to Noumea via Tokyo Narita. I was satisfied with their onboard service, cabin crew were friendly and polite. The food was delicious. Will fly with this airline again. | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/khushipitroda/airline-reviews | airlines reviews | en |
신선한 반전ㅠ 연기 모두 너무 잘함요 ㅜㅜㅜ | positive | https://data.niaid.nih.gov/resources?id=mendeley_jb5knzh8yv | movie reviews | ko |
Bon produit
Reçu en temps et en heure. Très bien emballé. Bonne prise en main et comme d'habitude.. les photos sont magnifiques.. Bon rapport qualité / prix | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | fr |
امتهةهةغيتببغرقؤقبناةهىبالاترغىاهةهىتؤبلهبلنا | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/fahdseddik/arabic-company-reviews | company reviews | ar |
우주의 무거운 침묵이 이렇게나 압도적으로 표현되다니... | positive | https://data.niaid.nih.gov/resources?id=mendeley_jb5knzh8yv | movie reviews | ko |
Best of the best Chuckee's around. A lot cleaner, friendlier staff, more games than its counterpart in North Charlotte. My girls had a ball and enjoyed the variety. They had appropriate aged game for multiple kids' ages. I think I even saw some grown ups playing games. \n\nCounter person was friendly and even spoke to my girls. Nice pleasant touch. You would be surprised how few people do not speak to children when they work at kid themed venue. \n\nOne wish for improvement would be food service level. We just ordered pizza and cheese bread. It took awhile to get it. Great time for kids to play, but not so much for parents who were starving. \n\nOverall, nice outing in a nice area of town. Great Friday evening activity. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/Yelp/yelp_review_full | places reviews | en |
機械の整備用に購入しました。入れ物もしっかりしていて収納できます。ラチェットも普通に使用できます | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | ja |
An A380 was waiting for us at the gate on the Sunday morning flight from London.
The plane had been recently upgraded with the latest seating in business class which, at over 6ft 4in, is extremely important - even in business class.
With the new seating arrangement the extension to allow a full flatbed is now well designed as it allows you to lay in a straighter (in line) position that the previous arrangements - where you were bent off at an angle and, at my length, ended up in an S configuration! - failed to achieve.
The only niggle was that the control panel by the side of the seat was very sensitive. When I bent forward in the seat to pick up a newspaper from the pocket, the panel would set the call button off and move the seat! Very annoying - not only for me, but for the crew!
The flight took the new course down to Singapore - missing the troubled areas in the Middle East.
As usual the staff on board were first class and the trip was trouble free.
Importantly, which people normally forget to mention, the bags were out in the baggage claim area very quickly. Another plus for SIA travel in Changi.
SIA's Excellent Standard continues. | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/kanchana1990/singapore-airlines-reviews | airlines reviews | en |
電気式ライターは使ったことなかったのですが、これ楽しいですね いい商品です 約2時間の充電で、1日1箱弱で5日くらいもっています だんだん暗くなって着火できなくなるので、そしたらPCとかのUSBで充電 その間は節煙時間にあてています 着火部分もタバコの直径位なのでつけやすい方だと思います また買いたいのです 問題点があるとすれば、100円ライターなどよりも、割とでかいってことかと 軽いからいいですが つかなくなってから充電ルールを守っていればバッテリの持ちもいいのではと期待しています | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | ja |
اسلوب الكتابة ده اكتر حاجه بتعجبني بعد الروايات، ومش اي حد بيبقى شاطر او كويس فيه، بصراحه الكتاب ده تفوق على كتاب حرف بتاع احمد حلمي، بالرغم من انه كتاب لايت ومش قوي لغويا او كده، إلا إنه متعمق في فلسفة الحياة واحنا ازاى عيشينها وقليلين اللي لقطوا الحتة دي، الكتاب ده من اكتر الحاجات اللي قريتها وفعلا اتفقت معاها ومع اللي مكتوب فيها، والكتاب دمه خفيف جدا جدا جدا ومع ذلك مش تافه بالعكس اللي يفهم الكتاب ده كويس في حاجات كتير في اسلوب حياته هتتغير للاحسن. | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/abedkhooli/arabic-100k-reviews | reviews (hotels, books, movies, products and a few airlines) | ar |
My husband and I stayed here for a night out on Dec. 29th. Requested and received a room on a high floor, with a nice view of the city. We stayed in a studio suite, which was perfect for our needs. The staff was very friendly and helpful, but I'm not sure how we would have received our luggage if we had not gone back to the valet area and picked it up ourselves. When we arrived, we left our bags with the valet, who said he would bring them up. (You have to go up to the second floor to check in.) So we left them there, and when we checked in, mentioned it to the clerk, who then asked for our receipt. Unfortunately, we had not been given one, (just our parking ticket.) He said not to worry about it, but I went down and retrieved them anyway. Not sure how they would have matched my bags to my room. The carpet in our room was just a little dark and dated, but the room was clean, and bright otherwise. Bathroom facilities were adequate, nice shower. I was a little frustrated that the coffee pot in the room made only one cup at a time, and we were given only enough regular coffee for one cup. (The other packet was decaf.) The room was quiet, only heard a siren once in the night from the street level. It also had a nice couch/chaise for reading and relaxing. I would definitely stay there again. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/sabulaban/sentiment | hotel reviews | en |
A short walk from our hotel we discovered this gem. We were greeted in such a friendly way. Our waiter explained the menu and gave his recommendations, then left us to decide. Can’t remember what we ordered I just know it was all so tasty. Our waiter, who appeared to possibly be the owner was funny, he wanted people to enjoy their dining experience and we certainly did. | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/choonkhonng/malaysia-restaurant-review-datasets | restaurant reviews | en |
Last week, May 18th to the 23rd, was my third or four stay at this hotel. It comes up quite often in Priceline at reasonable rates. For your money you get a nice, comfortable room in an excellent location just steps from a subway stop. The hotel, however, has enough quirks to bother some travelers.
Last week, no ice machine worked anywhere in the hotel. If you wanted ice in your room you had to travel to lobby and ask for some at the bar (if open) or the Restaurant (if open). On Sunday night and without prior notice the water was shut off and we went to bed without the requisite shower. In addition, the TV selection is a bit skimpy with no CNN. I have never been to any hotel anywhere during the last 10-15 years without CNN access. Water pressure in the shower is poor and the shower lining was a bit dirty. Little things all of these but they were there. Caution to the wary. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/sabulaban/sentiment | hotel reviews | en |
Es muy resistente la parte trasera rígida y los laterales de silicona para evitar arañar el metal. Muy buena | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | es |
小さく折りたためるまではいかないですが、カバンに入れて持ち運ぶのには便利です。耳当ての部分もフワフワで気持ちがいい。 | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | ja |
Rarement déçu avec le cinéma espagnol. Précis, toujours efficace, très travaillé et en permanence dans l'originalité. Un film ciselé qui tient en haleine jusqu'à la dernière minute. A ne pas raté ! 4/5 !!! | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tblard/allocine | movie reviews | fr |
If you need a nice and chillout place.. amazing and friendly waiters.. dont look no further.. alone or with a group , best choice you could get here in publika outlet. Look for Maria when you decide to go there.. a warm and friendly person.. | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/choonkhonng/malaysia-restaurant-review-datasets | restaurant reviews | en |
Coffret Blu-Ray
Premier film : Une histoire vrai pour le plus grand Sniper des Etats-Unis et le Second : Ben Affleck interprétant un expert-comptable dans le civil qui est en réalité à la solde de la mafia ... Excellent! Coffret pas cher alors ne pas hésiter !!! | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | fr |
Je recommande
Super bonne qualité! Je recommande vivement cette article on en reçoit deux et ils récupère très bien | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | fr |
I came here for the first time and was so happy they could customize my bagel to be healthy by making it skinny (cutting a chunk out of the middle making it thinner) and using egg whites. It was warm, fresh and tasty.\n\nNext I thought I would try one of their Green Mountain coffees - the Island Coconut flavor. I know what your thinking but stop right there .... give it a whirl. Wow it is good! I got so excited about it I craved it for a whole week.\n\nIts such a nice change to a greasy fried breakfast. I'm glad I went and I will be back! | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/Yelp/yelp_review_full | places reviews | en |
Заказывали дом ,"Аристарх" каркас .созвонились ,договорились.Дом оформляли в ипотеку ,Александр был всегда на связи .приехала бригада Павел и Дмитрий ,ребята профессионалы своего дела ,спасибо Вам за Вашу работу .Однозначно буду рекомендовать "Дома из бруса"своим знакомым и друзьям .Спасибо за дом нашей мечты 👍👌 | positive | https://github.com/yandex/geo-reviews-dataset-2023 | organization reviews | ru |
Sehr zufrieden!
Diese Lampe ist perfekt und der Verkäufer beantwortet die Fragen rasch und lässt keine Wünsche offen. Offensichtlich, in dieser Kategorie, die beste Lampe am Markt. Kaufen! | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | de |
맥주도 맛있고 피자도 맛있음 모차렐라보다는 페퍼로니 등 토핑 올라가 있는 거 추천해요! 맥주가 많이 부담되지 않는 가격이라 좋아요! 처음 가는 사람들은 샘플러 추천! | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ninetyninenewton/kr3-korean-restaurant-reviews-with-ratings | restaurant reviews | ko |
I ate here for a friend's birthday, and it was an awesome dining experience. The chef was so talented, I can't describe the tricks and skills he showcased preparing our meal. The portioning was perfect and everything was well cooked. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/Yelp/yelp_review_full | places reviews | en |
衣服穿起来非常舒服,吸汗速干效果很好,款式也不错很漂亮,就是尺寸太大了,中国码穿xxl的我买了这款衣服的L码仍然大的不像样,由于是第一次在亚马逊买海外购的衣服,就当是交学费了。 | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | zh |
ravi de mon achat
produit conforme a L'annonce. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | fr |
很厚实 材质真的一级好 感觉实物要比图片好看很多 手感喜欢 用手一捏感觉很充实 不像有的摸上去就马上感觉到硬硬的塑料了 非常安全的感觉 !侧面还有一个水平仪 后来才知道是什么用处 进口的很贴心!非常值得推荐 但是说实话进口的真是稍微贵了,只好咬咬牙刷了可信用卡 | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tyqiangz/multilingual-sentiments | tweets | zh |
Nửa đêm đặt mà sáng hôm sau 9h sách đã về tới cửa. Sách mới cứng, bọc và đóng gói cẩn thận, được tặng kèm cả bút nữa. Rất hài lòng nha. Chúc mọi người học tiếng Trung tốt! 🥳 | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/biminhc/tiki-books-dataset?select=comments.csv | books reviews | vi |
Nice deco inside with equally nice food. Must try the char siew. Juicy, tender and roasted just nice to melt in your mouth. Price is also reasonable. A chicken dish, lala, char siew, vege and complementary soup with 4 rices and 2 drinks came up to RM80. Quite a deal I say. | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/choonkhonng/malaysia-restaurant-review-datasets | restaurant reviews | en |
موقع الفندق ولتسهيلات الموجودة به مريحة . كل شئ. لا شئ | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/abedkhooli/arabic-100k-reviews | reviews (hotels, books, movies, products and a few airlines) | ar |
Très efficace en tout cas après qqs séances par jour on à l'impression d'une certain bien être et surtout sans danger . | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | fr |
i feel lucky after to be able to win the set | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/dair-ai/emotion | emotion | en |
很实用,确实很好,真题加模拟题,期待考试顺利通过! | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | zh |
Bourvil est agent RATP, poinçonneur des Lilas (BO excellente et moderne avec Gainsbourg) qui se rêve en romancier à succès. Un manuscrit de son roman policier est refusé pour invraisemblance, il a la "géniale" idée d'en donner lecture à des malfrats afin de prouver le contraire... S'en suive un film plein de rebondissements avec un Bourvil parfait et cabotin et un ponte du banditisme joué par un Paul Meurisse succulent. Quelques idées font leurs effets gentillement (heureux de son roman Bourvil s'élève au-dessus des autres au boulot). Le scénario est très bien écrit avec une fin en forme de clin d'oeil. Une très bonne comédie qui gagne à être connue. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tblard/allocine | movie reviews | fr |
Geniale Lätzchen
Diese Lätzchen sind einfach genial. Sie fangen Essensreste auf und sind im Geschirrspüler einfach zu reinigen. Warum gab es die früher noch nicht? | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | de |
Там подают невероятно вкусные драники с мраморной говядиной. Ради них стоит посетить Калининград. | positive | https://github.com/yandex/geo-reviews-dataset-2023 | organization reviews | ru |
朝、寝ぼけてる時に付けるとぱっと目が覚めます! オススメです◎ | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tyqiangz/multilingual-sentiments | tweets | ja |
괜히 서울 넘버원이라고 하는 게 아니다 이 말입니다.. | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ninetyninenewton/kr3-korean-restaurant-reviews-with-ratings | restaurant reviews | ko |
My wife and I celebrated our 11th anniversary there. The staff (especially the concierge, P.J.) was marvelous. Great location-overlooks the Riverwalk-but on a quiet part of the river. Yet only a 5-minute walk to all the action. The paella in the hotel's restaurant (Las Ramblas) was exceptional. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/sabulaban/sentiment | hotel reviews | en |
الرياض للمره الاولى . الهدوء في الفندق اذا استبعدناأصوات الترميم خارج الفندق. من حق النزيل ان يختار الطابق اللي يسكن فيه وعدم اقتصار الأدوار العليا للمدخنينوإذا كان لا بد يخصص دور علوي لغير المدخنين للراغبين بالأدوار العلياأسعار السياره مبالغ فيه | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/abedkhooli/arabic-100k-reviews | reviews (hotels, books, movies, products and a few airlines) | ar |
Sans être une oeuvre majeure dans la carrière de ces deux acteurs, cette comédie reste néanmoins sympathique. Et l'opposition Nord / Sud rappelerait presque un certain film récent à succès... | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tblard/allocine | movie reviews | fr |
Very happy with the results of a cooker repair claim. D & G authorised the claim promptly and I was contacted by a contractor. The initial appointment date was changed twice by the contractor but they completed the repair within two weeks. | positive | https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/sentiment-analysis-company-reviews/data?select=train.csv | company reviews | en |
Это просто лучший хлеб на Новой Риге (а, значит, видимо, и в России). Пробовал почти всё, но постоянно беру только #1 (пшеничный тартин). Это просто сказка, могу съесть треть булки просто так, а уж с намазками... | positive | https://github.com/yandex/geo-reviews-dataset-2023 | organization reviews | ru |
ピンクを購入しました。色、柄ともに写真どおりでとても可愛かったです!軽くてコンパクトになり、旅行には、持って来いですね。 縫製などで、雑なところはありますが、この価格なら問題ないです | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tyqiangz/multilingual-sentiments | tweets | ja |
Perfectly located at the heart of busy Georgetown, but peaceful in the hotel. Staff very welcoming, courteous and helpful in all parts of the hotel. Rooms smart and well furnished. Nice air of faded elegance about the place - the feel of a boutique hotel rather than a chain. Terrific breakfast, all served at your table - no buffet!! Would defintely come back. Minor complaint: bathroom very small, washbasin cracked, shower door wouldn't close so water everywhere, plug on washbasin wouldn't shut. But overall a great place to stay. | positive | https://huggingface.co/datasets/sabulaban/sentiment | hotel reviews | en |