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Managing Spaces with CircleCI Workflows

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Managing Spaces with CircleCI Workflows

You can keep your app in sync with your GitHub repository with a CircleCI workflow.

CircleCI is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform that helps automate the software development process. A CircleCI workflow is a set of automated tasks defined in a configuration file, orchestrated by CircleCI, to streamline the process of building, testing, and deploying software applications.

Note: For files larger than 10MB, Spaces requires Git-LFS. If you don’t want to use Git-LFS, you may need to review your files and check your history. Use a tool like BFG Repo-Cleaner to remove any large files from your history. BFG Repo-Cleaner will keep a local copy of your repository as a backup.

First, set up your GitHub repository and Spaces app together. Add your Spaces app as an additional remote to your existing Git repository.

git remote add space

Then force push to sync everything for the first time:

git push --force space main

Next, set up a CircleCI workflow to push your main git branch to Spaces.

In the example below:

  • Replace HF_USERNAME with your username and SPACE_NAME with your Space name.
  • Create a context in CircleCI and add an env variable into it called HF_PERSONAL_TOKEN (you can give it any name, use the key you create in place of HF_PERSONAL_TOKEN) and the value as your Hugging Face API token. You can find your Hugging Face API token under API Tokens on your Hugging Face profile.
version: 2.1

      - sync-to-huggingface:
            - HuggingFace
                - main

      - image: alpine
    resource_class: small
      - run: 
          name: install git
          command: apk update && apk add openssh-client git
      - checkout
      - run:
          name: push to Huggingface hub
          command: |
                  git config "<your-email@here>" 
                  git config "<your-identifier>" 
                  git push -f https://HF_USERNAME:${HF_PERSONAL_TOKEN} main
< > Update on GitHub